Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Coming back from office

Stuck up in horrible traffic jam. The half an hour journey seems endless. Six rows of cars-  one behind another, bumper to bumper are inching ahead. Thankfully, I am not driving. The blue board ahead reads-  "ISBT", written in white-  glowing as the head lights fall on it. It seems like another city. The Red fort wall standing tall seems oblivious of my plight. I can see the only star above the fort's wall that has somehow mustard courage to shine in thickly polluted sky. Trees standing withered on the median have lost their greenish look due to dust. They badly need a shower to  wash the dust off.  As my car inches ahead, the lone star moves along. Indian Railway train passes over my head making mockery of cars below. Lord Hanuman's temple of yamuna bazar is still ahead. I can see many people drapped in shabby and tattered blankets sleeping on the foot path. Noise and light of the traffic seem to have no impact on them. None of them is moving. Traffic has now come to a stand still. Traffic police is there but seems helpless. Now the board ahead reads- Nigam Bodh Ghat. It means I have crossed lord Hanuman's temple. On my right, top on the entry gate of Nigam Bodh Ghat, Lord Shiva's statue in samadhi posture is placed. Below it is written "Moksh Dwar". As if , all who enter through this gate were bound to get liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Though the fact remains that we do'nt know when we will be liberated from this ubiquitous traffic jams of Delhi city!

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